
Test Post A
01 Jul 2023 00:18:00
this is a test post, talking about subject A
Hello, and welcome to The Space Above Us. Episode 180, Space Shuttle flight 92, STS-95: Zero-G and I still feel fine
Last time, we took one last look around the cluttered, battered, and yet resilient and productive space station that served as our home away from home for these last few years: the Russian space station Mir. By once more exploring the twists and turns of the station itself, along with the stories of those who lived on it, we set a firm foundation on which to build the story of the International Space Station. We also tried to win a free taco, but hey, can’t win ‘em all.
Something we didn’t do was something that I forgot to do a couple episodes back when we were talking about STS-91: introduce a new astronaut class. Yes, it’s that time already, it’s time to introduce Astronaut Group 17, The Dodos. At least, that’s what Astronaut Group 16 named them, but Group 17 turned it around on them and dubbed themselves The Penguins, with the joke apparently being that while penguins are also flightless birds.. they eat fish. Like sardines. You know, Group 16’s nickname.